Whooo, Whooo. Kids of all ages enjoy the beautiful and intricate trains from The Reading Company Technical & Historical Society. You can expect a one hundred twenty-foot train display with three to five sets of trains running simultaneously.
Christmas Tree Lane
Stroll through this year’s festive Christmas Tree Lane.
Stroll through this year’s festive Christmas Tree Lane, featuring Christmas trees that are each decorated by our vendors. DON’T FORGET - Vote on your favorite tree décor and be entered to win a four pack of tickets to next year’s show (4 winners)! Christmas Tree Lane will be located in the Giant Hall Entrance.
Enjoy over 600 square feet of this amazing Lego Christmas land! Created by Mark Petrich.
This display is fun for all ages! Visit the Christmas Lego Display created by Mark Petrich in the Equine Arena. You’ll be in awe by the detail and creativity as you enjoy over 600 square feet of this amazing Lego Christmas land.
Merry Money
All show attendees get the chance for some extra green this holiday season.
All show attendees get the chance for some extra green this holiday season. You can register to win Merry Money while at the show! Winners will be drawn at the show —during the dates/times listed below — to receive $100 gift card to use at any vendor of your choice.
Wednesday 12/4 & Thursday 12/5 from 11am-2pm
Friday 12/6 during Girl’s Night Out – 4pm-7pm
Saturday 12/7 from 11am-2pm
Christmas Dinner
C & J Catering will once again offer their Christmas Dinner Banquet Buffet, where our attendees can enjoy dinner and drinks! ***Ala Carte signature drinks available!
Christmas Café Hours:
Wednesday 12/4 to Saturday 12/07 – 11am to 5pm
Sunday 12/08 10am to 2pm
2024 Pricing:
Adult - $24.95
Child - $14.95
Senior - $19.95
Soup & Salad ONLY - $14.95
Save time and order ahead of time!
Signature Cocktails by C&J Catering
Our visitors have a chance to stay in the holiday spirit by drinking a holiday spirit! The venue's bars offered an opportunity to indulge in fun holiday themed signature drinks!
*Signature drinks are discounted $2 on Girls' Night Out!!*
Ho Ho Homemade by Hammer & Stain Shrewsbury
Hammer & Stain Shrewsbury is a fun, social DIY experience offering custom wooden home decor projects and more! Our instructor guided classes make it fun and easy to create a piece you will love! All you have to do is bring yourself!
Click HERE for the full schedule of workshops!
Winter Wonderland
As you stroll down the lower spine to visit the different halls of the show, you'll be experiencing a winter wonderland of fresh cut trees provided by the Pennsylvania Christmas Tree Growers Association and Strathmeyer Christmas Trees . The fresh smell of live Christmas Trees will get you into the holiday spirit as you shop!
Meet Karolyn Grimes, best known as Zuzu from the 1946 film "It's a Wonderful Life".
Meet Karolyn Grimes, best known as Zuzu from the 1946 film "It's a Wonderful Life", as she showcases her cookbook & of course Christmas bells!
She will be in booth E201 in our Equine Arena!
Girls Night Out
We’re planning a party and you and your girlfriends are invited! Celebrate the season with you gal pals Friday night from 4pm-7pm. Enjoy music, $2 discounted signature drinks, fantastic door prizes and a discounted $5 ticket (Value of $10).
*Tickets for Girls Night Out are available online and at the box office. If you already purchased a regular admission ticket and want to stay for Girls Night Out, you do not need to purchase a separate ticket.
Décor Competition
Come see the best of the best window and door décor from our vendors!
Come see the best of the best window and door décor from our vendors! From the front door to your window, vendors will decorate displays to inspire your home this holiday season with products you can buy at the show!
Shop and Drop
Are you shopping until you drop? Check your packages at The Shop and Drop.
Are you shopping until you drop? Too many packages to carry? Check your packages at The Shop and Drop, located in Giant Hall near the entrance to the Spine, and pick them up when you’re ready to head home.
This service is provided by the Dauphin County Systems of Care Community Partners. There is a donation of $3 to check your coat or package OR a toy donation for their Christmas Celebration that supports the Harrisburg Community during the holidays. All proceeds benefit the New Beginnings Youth & adult Services.
Shoppers Lounge
Don’t shop ‘til your drop – grab a seat, take a break, and re-energize!
Don’t shop ‘til your drop – grab a seat, take a break, and re-energize in the Shoppers Lounges. Refreshed and renewed, you'll be ready to hit the floor and finishing your shopping.
Shoppers Lounge in Giant Hall provided by Superior Sleep
Shoppers Lounge in Equine Arena provided by Home Smart Industries
Deck the Lobby by Fitz Haus Design
Fitz Haus Design is turning Cameron Street Lobby into an immersive holiday display that is sure to get you in the spirit as you enter the Show!
Deck the Paws Fashion Show
Featuring adoptable dogs from Canine Rescue of Central PA
We had Santa Paws and Mrs. Claws strutting their stuff on the Entertainment Stage. No one wanted to miss these adorable and adoptable dogs unleashing the joy in their ugly sweaters and Howl-iday gear!
The Deck the Paws Fashion Show will take place on the Main State on Saturday, December 7th at 10AM.
Ship Right from the Show
The show is truly the only stop you need to make for Christmas shopping. Purchase gifts for family and friends and stop by the USPS booth to ship right from the show! USPS will offer all services from their space including stamps, packing and shipping needs!
Pop Up caroling by Central PA Womyn's Chorus
Get into the holiday spirit by hearing classic carols and festive favorites with pop up caroling by the Central PA Womyn’s Chorus in the Cameron Street Lobby entrance on Friday December 6th from 4pm-7pm and Saturday, December 7th from 9am-11am.